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We now have qualified leaders to provide the tuition with licences from the national small-bore rifle association youth proficiency scheme, allowing the group to tutor our youth members on air rifle target shooting and fully compliant with the guidelines and policies from Scout Association Shooting | Scouts.

Required Permission Forms (REQUIRED)

It’s mandatory a form is completed for each person performing target shooting activities, NO FORM MEAN NO SHOOTING!

Click Here to download and complete the required permission form (will be required for each target shooting event).

Benefits of Target Shooting

Target shooting has many of the benefits attributed to all sporting activity. However, it has some unique benefits that make target shooting a character-forming experience:

  • Develops a sense of discipline, patience and self-control with co-ordination in the aiming and firing process.
  • Develops safety in one’s own actions and a sense of responsivity towards others, providing self-awareness.
  • Develops concentration and attention, with focussed concentration in short bursts.
  • Can be enjoyed by able and disabled people alike and a sport available in the Olympics and Paralympics.
  • Shooting allows those who are less physically able to participate and gain the self-esteem from competing on equal terms with physically able young people.
  • Participating in a sport as an individual competing against yourself and yet part of a team at the same time.
  • Target shooting can be enjoyed by young and old alike.

All of these virtues are of great benefit in the development of a young person and can be learnt if the young person wants success and has goals to achieve.

Shooting is one of the safest sports available. The excellent safety record of this sport proves that the lessons of safe conduct and responsibility are learned by everyone. In fact, there are fewer examples of even minor injuries in this sport than in any other Olympic discipline and target shooting was one of the original sports included in the modern Olympic Games. This may seem surprising in view of the obvious hazards associated with the handling of firearms, but it is because the hazards are so obvious that shooters have an excellent safety culture. It is this necessary and very visible concern for safety and discipline which gives target shooting such a high training value for the development of young people.

Scouting is all about building confidence and self-esteem, learning important life skills and leadership skills, team building, outdoor adventure, education, time management, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness, commitment and the most important part is to have fun!

Members of scouts learn how to make good choices and to take responsibility for their actions so that they are prepared for their adult life as independent persons, helping children and young adults reach their full potential, to get jobs, save lives and even change the world, this is all supported via the scouting programme that is all supported via volunteers.