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The are costing for running a Scout group and as a movement, we get very little National or Local government aid. The Leaders and Executive Committee are all unpaid volunteers and do their best to offer quality Scouting for the lowest possible cost.  The main sources of income for the group are the membership subscriptions (Subs) paid by all members and our fundraising events organised by the executive committee.

The subs are payable after 3 weeks of joining and costs £42 per term, we have three terms through the year, Spring Term (Jan-Apr), Summer Term (May-Aug), Winter Term (Sept – Dec) and works out at £126 a year or £10.50 a month per member.

Payments are due at the beginning of each term; the groups treasurer will send out a reminder around the beginning of each term when the required £42 per term payments are required. We don’t send out invoices, just the reminder the payment is due, please contact [email protected] if you need to discussing payment terms and payment methods in confidence.

The subs paid are split up and pays hut fees, insurance, equipment and items for group meetings, towards badges and also a third goes towards the yearly Scouting Capitation fee which is Scout membership and insurance fee.

The most cost effect preferred payment method for the group is via a Bank Transfer using the details below:

Bank Transfer (preferred)

Bank Transfer Payment – direct to Group Account using the account details:

Sort Code: 30-99-95

Account No: 31118160

Name: 1st Chirk Scout Group

(When paying Subs in please can you let us know the child’s name and section for example “Joe Bloggs. Cubs”, for other payments “Joe Bloggs Cub Camp” for example)

Online via SumUp

Please make sure when asked for full name you use child’s name and section “Joe Bloggs Cubs Subs”

If you have multiple children, please submit a payment per child.

The link is fixed to one terms payment of £42.

Click Here To Pay Online Securely via our payment provider SumUp Vis Debit Card, Credit Card, Google Pay and Apple Pay.

Chip & Pin / Contact Less Card

We now have a group SumUp card machine at the HQ so offer card payments via chip and Pin, Contactless and even allows payments via the Apple and Google pay methods.

Cash and Cheque

It’s not easy for the leaders to process and keep track of cash payments and using the above bank transfer or Chip/Pin facility, keeps leaders free to deliver the programme to our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts at the weekly session times. We do accept cash payments, cheques payable to “1st Chirk Scout Group”, but would like to keep them to a minimum, if possible, because of the time required for our volunteers to process.