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Cubs – 8 to 10½ years

Develop new skills. Soar to great heights. Being a Cub opens up a whole other world.

The Cubs section leaders are Akela and Chil and meet every Tuesday during term time (See footer/bottom of page for updated times and the contact page for our location).

Sign up your child via the waiting list here and someone will contact you with more information on when you can come to join us for a fun taster session. 

When you join Cubs, you’ll be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things. Here’s everything you need to know.

Cubs are young people aged 8 to 10½ who:

  • Master new skills and try new things
  • Have fun and go on adventures
  • Make friends
  • Are curious about the world around them
  • Help others and make a difference, in their own communities and beyond

Every week, they gather in groups called Cub Packs to take part in lots of interesting and challenging activities – achieving anything they set their minds to, and having lots of fun along the way.

Being a Cub is all about growing and learning in small but mighty ways. Here are some of the things you’ll get up to with your new friends.

Going on adventures

Race down a river. Tell stories by torchlight. Fall asleep beneath the stars. Alongside your Pack, you’ll spend plenty of time in the great outdoors. Together, you might build a den in your local park, or create an edible raft out of sweets, or go on a moonlit hike through your hometown. And even though you might not be ready to climb Mount Everest just yet, you’re guaranteed to have plenty of adventures on your own doorstop, because being a Cub is all about making the most of what you have, wherever and whoever you are.

As well as enjoying plenty of adventures, being a Cub is about going on a journey to understand who you are and what you stand for. When you join the Pack, you’ll explore these ideas by making a promise. A promise is a set of words that mean something to you, which you try to follow everyday.

Making the promise is a big celebration within the Pack. Every time a new Cub decides to join permanently, they chat through their promise with their Cub leader before saying it out loud in front of their fellow Cubs. Family and friends might come along to see this, too. The process is known as being ‘invested’ into Cubs, and it usually takes place a few weeks into your Cub experience, once you’ve had time to settle in.

Everyone is unique but there are some things all Cubs agree on – such as the importance of treating everyone in the Pack with kindness, and doing their best to care for the community and wider world in which they live. Cubs make a promise to do their best to make a positive contribution to society. Depending on their own beliefs, they might also promise to live by their faith.

Cubs choose the promise that best suits them. Options can be found here.