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Online Scout Manager (OSM)

Online Scout Manager (OSM) is the system 1st Chirk use for organising the term’s programme, member record keeping, tracking Scout badge progress, and generally managing sections.

You may be surprised but there is a lot of recording keeping that needs to be kept up to date and it can take several hours each week to keep these records up to date by the leaders of each section of the 1st Chirk. As we are all volunteers, this put extra pressure on the leaders other commitments during their day to day lives, we still have jobs, families and like to spend time on organising more fun activities to be getting on with.  
Leader, or an adult volunteer with section administration responsibilities, are only given a login for OSM and the required sections for their role within the group once you’ve completed a DBS Check.

Details on the security of the system can be found on the suppliers website


Parents receive an invite to the Parent Portal of OSM when their child joins our group. This email contains a secure link to create an account on the system to access the Parent Portal and only your child’s information. There are help guides on the main OSM site, but there are posts within the news section of this site on how to register and basic information about using the Parent Portal, if you have issues please contact your child’s section leader.

If you have not received your email you probably haven’t given us an up-to-date email address for you. Please contact your leader and telling us your email address so we can change it, and send you another invite.

Full details of the security features are available on the suppliers website

All data is encrypted in transit and at rest, when accessing the site the connection a secure connection, the same system utilised by the major banks and other secure websites. 

Access to the system is controlled by the Group Scout Leader and regular review of the accounts with access to each section is reviewed on a regular basis